EXAMPLES: My step mother used to tell me that it was not traditional to wear white pants in the winter. I was supposed to believe it was tradition. (That's what she really believed) I knew that it was only because white objects don't absorb light and therefore wouldn't keep you as warm as dark objects. Or how about this one: Pork is dirty meat! Half the planet won't eat it. Why? It's become a religious thing and nobody seems to know where the hell it even began. Well I'll tell you...If you know anything about biology you would know that pork may have something called cysts in the meat. These cysts, which are in effect worm eggs are hard to detect even in today's day and age. So, those of us who are not prohibited from eating it, have been told (from generation to generation) that if you cook pork you are supposed to cook it very well. If you cook it well, you destroy the cysts. The other meats may have them too but they are detectable so the meat isn't sold if they find any. And how about circumcision? How did that become a religious rite? Well, if you don't get circumcised, dirt (smegma) collects under the skin and can lead to serious infections. It's just plain gross. The people of the tribes through the ages realized this and then woke up one day and said "We have to cut it off at birth!"And presto...science becomes religion. BACK HOME Cool links, lists and banners. [email protected]